Building a Dynamic Blog with Nuxt 3 Content Module

Power of Nuxt 3 Content Module for Dynamic Websites

The Nuxt 3 Content module is a powerful feature in the Nuxt.js framework that allows you to manage and render static or dynamic content in your applications. It offers a user-friendly API for managing content and seamlessly integrates with Nuxt's static site generation capabilities. With the Nuxt 3 Content module, you can create efficient and dynamic websites for various use cases.

Use Cases

The Nuxt 3 Content module can be used for:

1- Building a robust and customizable blogging platform.

2- Creating a comprehensive documentation website.

3- Enhancing e-commerce websites with a dynamic product catalog.

4- Empowering news or magazine websites with efficient content management.

5- Showcasing projects and experiences on a portfolio or personal website.

Getting Started

To use the Nuxt 3 Content module in your Nuxt app, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Nuxt Content module by running the following command:
yarn  add  --dev  @nuxt/content
  1. Configure the Nuxt Content module in your nuxt.config.ts file by adding the following code:

export  default  defineNuxtConfig({
//  Other  Nuxt  configuration  options...
modules: ["@nuxt/content"],

  1. Create a content directory in the root of your project. If you're creating a blog component, create a blog directory inside the content directory. Then, inside the blog directory, create your Markdown files or JSON files (e.g.,,
  2. Inside the pages directory, create a folder named blog. Then, create an index.vue and ...slug.vue pages.
  3. In the index.vue page, add the following code to list all blog posts:
    <Contentlist path="/blog" v-slot="{ list }">
      <div v-for="post in list" :key="post._path">
        <p>{{ post.title }}</p>
        <nuxt-link :to="post._path">
  1. To render individual blog posts, use the ...slug.vue page with the ContentRenderer component. Add the following code to the ...slug.vue page
  <ContentRenderer v-if="data" :value="data" />

<script setup>
const { path } = useRoute();
const { data } = await useAsyncData(`content-${path}`, () => {
  return queryContent().where({ _path: path }).findOne();

By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the Nuxt 3 Content module to manage and render your content, catering to various use cases and creating dynamic and engaging websites.

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