Deploying a Nuxt3 project on GitHub Pages

In order to publish this blog project I prepared with Nuxt 3, I went through many sources and finally learned to publish the Nuxt3 project on GitHub Pages. Since it is not available in many places, I will show you.

Deploying a Nuxt3 project on GitHub Pages involves a few steps:

  1. First, you need to generate the static files of your Nuxt3 project. To do this, run the following command:
    For Server Side Rendering (SSR):
    yarn build

    npm build

    For Static Generation:
    yarn generate

    npm generate

    This will create a dist folder in your project directory that contains the generated static files.
  2. Next, you need to create a new repository on GitHub to host your project. Make sure to initialize the repository with a README file.
  3. Once your repository is created, you need to install the gh-pages package. This package allows you to deploy your static files to GitHub Pages. To install the package, run the following command:
    npm install gh-pages --save-dev
  4. After installing gh-pages, open your package.json file and add the following lines to it:
    "scripts": {
      "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist"

    This will add a new script named deploy to your project, which will deploy your static files to GitHub Pages.
  5. Now, you can deploy your Nuxt3 project by running the following command:
    npm run deploy
  6. You need to configure your repository settings to use the gh-pages branch as your GitHub Pages source. To do this, go to your repository's settings and scroll down to the GitHub Pages section. From there, select the gh-pages branch as your source and save your changes.
  7. Finally, DO NOT FORGET to add an empty file named .nojekyll to GitHub Pages. I wandered around many sources for a long time, but finally, I was able to publish my page like this.

Once you complete the deployment, your GitHub Pages will look like this:

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